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What's On

Upcoming events

Here is a list of all the events, activities, talks, workshops, clinics and therapies we have coming up. This includes both activities we are offering face-to-face, those that are online and our pre-recorded videos that you can watch at a time to suit you.

If you would like to take part and book a space, then simply click on the activity. If this is an activity for a child, you will need to have registered their name and date of birth with us.

If you find you cannot take part in an activity you have booked, please cancel your booking as soon as possible so that we can offer the place to someone else.

Some of our activities book up very quickly. When this happens we will open a waiting list. If a space becomes available, we will contact the parents on the waiting list to offer them a place. Last minute cancellations often happen due to illness so please do put your child's name on the waiting list for activities you are interested in. We will also always endeavour to run popular activities again and may limit the number of times families can book popular activities.

Here are our Member Guidelines which we would ask you to read before you come to our sessions for the first time.  Please also read our online safeguarding procedures.

Our activities are free of charge but donations are appreciated.

You can make a donation online here: