Skylarks SEND Advice Service
We have 2 staff members, Jonathan Rourke and Gemma Smith, who offer advice and information in relation to issues linked to Education.
Support can be offered in a range of ways. These are:
- A regular series of face-to-face talks on a Friday morning in Twickenham covering key issues.
- A NEW series of online 'Micro Talks': covering a range of different elements of the EHCP process, Micro Talks will have a maximum of 5 families attending giving you plenty of time to ask questions and learn/ support from each other.
- Face-to-face appointments at the Crossway Centre on Tuesday afternoons
- Online bookable appointments with the staff team every week for new consultations, held by Google Meets.
We also have lots of information sheets which may answer your questions. You can find all our RESOURCES around education here. We urge you to read our information sheets before contacting us please.
Occasionally our service can reach capacity. If you are not able to access our service, this is a list of alternative providers who may be able to assist you:
IPSEA have a phone line you can call as well as lots of information on their website.
All Local Authorities have to provides a SENDIASS which you can find
here for your area.
South West London Law Centre provides free 30 minute consultations with an Education Solicitor. Details are