SEND Education Advice Service Re-launch event

September 11, 2024
Skylarks is pleased to relaunch our SEND Education Advice Service
With a fully-staffed team dedicated to supporting families who have children with additional needs, Skylarks is unique in offering a fully-independent totally free service.
The launch event will be on Friday 20th September between 10am and 12 midday at the Crossway Centre, Twickenham
We will be offering a range of new ways to provide support to families including:
- Face-to-face appointments at the Crossway Centre on Tuesday afternoons.
- Bookable online appointments via Zoom or Google Meet with the staff team every week for new consultations.
- A NEW series of 'Micro Talks': covering a range of different elements of the EHCP process, Including sessions on: Parental requests for an EHCP, Annual Reviews, Reviewing Draft Plans and many more. These will have a maximum of 5 families attending giving parents plenty of opportunities to ask questions and learn from and support each other.
- A regular series of face-to-face talks on Friday mornings covering key issues. Talks this term will cover:
- EHCP's and working with schools at SEND Support level
- Transition to Secondary school (targeted mainly at parents whose children are in Years 4 and 5 this year)
- Education other than at School (EOTAS) and Elective Home Education (EHE) - what are they and how do I access them?
- We will be relaunching our online form for parents to use to request support and set up their own SEND support case on our system so that our Advisers, Jonathan or Gemma, have all the information they need to work with parents to identify the best support we can offer.
All of these offers will appear in the section of the website so that parents can book what they need.