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Micro Talk 1 - SEND Support in Nurseries, Schools and Colleges

Run by SEND Education Advice Team at Skylarks
Skylarks offers a series of Micro Talks.

These are small, online groups with a maximum of 5 families and a member of the SEND advice team. Please book early to be sent the link to the video call.

Micro talks focus on different aspects of the SEND processes with a format of

  • 20 - 30 mins of presentation.
  • 15 mins for general questions.
  • Discussion in more detail of individual cases.

This small group session will deliver advice around:

  • -What are the responsibilities on the nursery, school or college when supporting children or young people?
  • What should a school be providing to support my child?
  • How does the Equalities act provide support for children and young people?
  • What should the setting be telling me/ the young person?
  • What can I do if i'm not happy with a setting and what they are providing?

This session is for parents whose children dont have an Education Health and Care Plan

Events coming up

  • In 2 weeks, 1 day

  • Tuesday 15th Apr 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am