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Transition to Secondary School. What do I need to think about? (For parents and carers with children in Year 4 and 5)

Run by SEND Education Advice Team at Skylarks
The Skylarks SEND Education Advice service will provide information to support parents/ carers with children in years 4 and 5 in preparing for the change from primary to secondary school.

Information will be provided about both the 'General admissions process' for children without an EHCP and the Admissions process for children and young people with an EHCP.

If you have an EHCP we will explore how you can use the Annual Review process to ensure that your child's plan is ready for secondary transfer.

If you do not have an EHCP we will explore if one might be supportive of an application and then direct you to other talks that can help if you decide to apply for one.

This talk is in person and open to parents from any borough. It will not be recorded, but it will be repeated.

We will also think about;
  • questions to ask when looking at different schools.
  • Key things to consider when trying to choose schools.
  • working with the child to select schools.

Please include in the notes on your booking form;
  • Which year your child is currently in?
  • If your child currently has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

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