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Run by Tony, Sensei

Our karate class is run by Tony, a Sensei from the Busen Academy in Twickenham and takes place at our usual session every Tuesday afternoon in term time from 4.45 to 5.30pm. Most Tuesdays this class is for children and young people aged 8 and above. Occasionally we have special introductory sessions for everyone.

If the karate class is full, please put your name on the waiting list here and we will contact you if a space becomes available.


All welcome, beginners and siblings too! 

For ages 8 and above

From 4.45 to 5.30pm

A few parents can sit in the room and watch the activity; others will be asked to wait in the hallway or outside.

This activity is for children with special needs and siblings, even if their brother or sister is not taking part too. This club gives children confidence to see what they can do – and learn some Japanese words too! Come and try it, or just watch to start with.

Beginners are very welcome. Classes are free of charge and Karate suits can be provided.

Since the children have started, parents have reported improvements in their children’s skills such as; focus, concentration, attention and listening, co-ordination, balance, core strength, confidence, organisational skills.

This activity is insured through the karate instructor directly and any queries with regards to insurance should be directed through him.

Book all events for this activity

Events coming up

  • Tomorrow

  • Tuesday 1st Apr 2025